Welcome to Page #2 Yo n' Ari's 2021 Litter
Last Update; June 11, 2021
03/14/2021 and these guys are eight days old!
Nicknamed after Disney Princes and Princess'.
Thanks again Shaye and Remy!!
Can you see the ones with the pink noses?
They're starting to get little black dots on um'. Those dots get bigger and bigger until their noses are all black.
In a couple days I'm going to help out Mama and start them on soggy Purina Puppy Chow, as I've mentioned. Even though they can't see they'll still chow. They get more on um' than in um' but they'll catch on fast.
When they hit two weeks I'll start de-worming them. They'll get the wormer every two weeks until they leave.
There ya go gang. How'd I do? :)
Shaye n' Remy get to take home Elsa in about 7 weeks!
03/16/2021 Babies are ten days old and growing fast!
Some got more on um' than in um' but they all figured it out!
Rapunzel only needed her nose dunked once and she figured it out. Everybody else took 3-4 dunkings.
I always make too much so their mama can eat the rest. Kristoff was the last guy to finish. They all hollered at me and fought me. Except Rapunzel. Funny how stubborn they all are already. They're little Akitas!
Their little eyes should start opening in the next few days. I think they can hear me now. I make kissy noises when I bring in their food. It'll only take a couple feedings and they'll all come when I make that noise. Their new families can make the kissy noise and say, "COME". That will work for a while. Longer if you have a treat but they'll soon figure out that they're not going to get fed and then they won't be as cooperative. :)
03/18/2021 Babies will be two weeks old in two days!
See their noses now?
Gittin' there. I'll weigh them on Saturday when I de-worm them for the first time.
When I'm with them I can tell who's who but some of these angles in the photos make it hard.
They're starting to cruise around a little now. They already wiggle away from the pile to go potty.
Stephanie we're all thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery from your back surgery!
I can't remember who this lounger guy is. I'll look at chins next time I go in there. I'm just getting their backs and faces figured out. Haven't studied tummies yet. Except Flynn and the big black spot in the middle of his tummy. I was rubbing this guy's tummy and playing with his feet and he didn't care. They're kinda' boring at this age. I gently torture them.
I try to mess with um' constantly so they learn that one, I can do whatever I want to them cuz I'm the boss and two, I'd never hurt um'. Building trust from day one.
03/19/2021 Babies will be two weeks old tomorrow!
Sassy girl, whipped her > head out of my hand the second I snapped the shot.
These are before and after pictures. Before and after I got in there with the bleach bucket.
^ Took me a couple minutes to figure out what that is under Charming's chin. It's another puppy yawning. :)
After only 3 feedings they know what the newspaper rattling means. CHOW!
They may be a little behind cuz they were born three days early. But they're exceptionally smart!
I had a heck of a time laying down the newspaper to put their food dish on.
03/21/2021 Babies are 15 days old and starting to cruise.
Getting a little more secure. Don't have to be in a puppy pile all the time now.
Eric up on all four. Pretty shakey.
"So I have a little puppy slop on my eye brow. Whacha' gonna' do 'bout it?
There's Flynn trying to get out to his mama. Guess it's time for the second board to go up. Today somebody was complaining so I went in to check. Rapunzel was out in the middle of the puppy room.
Almost forgot, we got weighed and de-wormed yesterday.
They all took their meds like little troopers.
The smaller kids will start to catch up now that they're eating Puppy Chow. Apparently Elsa is the best at securing her spot on the chow line. She's going to need her strength. She's going to have two little humans to keep up with!
03/23/2021 Babies are 17 days old. Getting sick of the same old pictures? Can't help it. That's all they do. Sleep and eat and poop.
This is what I wake up to every morning. It's going to get worse. Pretty soon they'll make too much of a mess confined to such a small area. For now I added a second board in the doorway so they're stuck in there. Safe and sound. Another week and they'll get free rein of the whole puppy room.
Eric and Elsa seem to be the most calm, laid back. Maybe cuz they eat too much!? Or, just more satisfied cuz nobody pushes them out of the chow line. I've heard Charming and I think it was Maui growl when somebody disturbs their nap.
Little too early to pass judgement.
I still haven't a clue who's stayin' with gamma'. I really like Flynn but we'll let Laurie have that black face. So, I've narrowed it down to four. :) Maybe leaning toward Eric? Dunno'.
Wish this one would have turned out. Eric was looking right at me.
Can anybody see who's got the smallest ears?
< Eric's laying on my foot.
Maui likes to be on top of the pile.
Always tastes better on the other side of the pan.
I'll get some short videos as soon as they're movin' around a little better.
To make life a little easier I'm going to start referring to Prince Charming as PC. Kristoff as Kris and Rapunzel as Pun. Okay with you guys?
03/25/2021 Two days and we'll be 3 weeks old. I took a short video but for some reason it didn't download offa' the camera. I'll try again tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's the gang.
< Picture I just snagged offa' Facebook. This is their big brother Ringo/Yogi. 80 lbs. at 7 months. Handsome boy!!!
I think Kristoff will look just like Yogi.