Welcome to Page #2 of Ahmee n' Ari's First Litter!
Last Update;
Jan. 17, 2021
Babies Born December 28th, 2019
They're our Country Singers Litter!
Little shout out to Kim for being able to tell the puppies apart before I can. I did have um' backwards! Oh and you wouldn't even be reading this if she hadn't told me the links didn't work. Good thing somebody has my back!!! Thanks Kim!
01/02/2020 A week old tomorrow. That went fast! Now the little monsters are putting on some weight and I can relax a little. Except, it's starting to look like the whelping box could use a new coat of paint.
01/03/2020 A week old! One more week and I won't have to worry about their mama squishing them. She's being pretty good. I keep putting pads and sheets in for the pups to lay on and apparently MeMe doesn't like um'. She pulls um' out and piles them by over by the wall.
Aren't all these pictures starting to look the same? They are easier to photograph, cuz they aren't movin' too fast, but they don't do anything either.
I weighed them. Reba is the biggest at just under 2 lbs. Emmylou is right there too. Just under. Loretta and Patsy are roughly 1.75 lbs. and Garth is 1.5. He'll catch up. I'll start feeding them PURINA PUPPY CHOW made soggy with hot water and powdered milk. Probably not until they're a couple weeks old.
In the next week I'll start feeding them puppy slop. They can't see or hear yet but it's not unusual to see a 10 day old Akita eating out of a pan. They end up with more on um', than in um', but ya gotta' start somewhere. Plus the mom's love to lick the bowl.
Yah, these shots are too small. I'll adjust it and keep messin' with it until I succeed!
01/04/2020 Babies were a week old yesterday!
I'll start de-worming them at two weeks and repeat the process every two weeks until they leave. NO SHOTS! I won't do their shots anymore. Heard one too many vets tell the family that they shouldn't trust that the breeder did iit correctly and then suggest starting the shots over again. What do they get a visit these days? $75-$100?
NOT suggesting you don't immunize your babies. Just try to find a vet who loves animals more than his money and keep your eyes open. Research is showing they don't need all the boosters over the years. One or two shots and a titers. If you don't want drugs pumped into your friend you can get a titers. A lab report can identify how many antibodies are in a person's bloodstream, which can identify immunity to a particular disease. If you have been vaccinated previously but are not sure if you are still immune, or if you have never been vaccinated but may have developed immunity, the Titers testing can tell you if you need further vaccines or not. Problem is the titer costs more than the shots. Only a little but that's not the point. I don't want unnecessary crap pumped in to me or my animals. For like decades and decades puppies got 3 shots. In the last 20 years that has gone to 4. The tests show that the immune system is good for YEARS after the shot... It should have gone down to 2 not up to 4! Okay, sorry, more pictures. I always have to learn the hard way. Trying to save you guys some grief. Eyes open, you'll have more money in your wallet and a healthy family. OPINION :) I'm no vet.

Really makes me angry. Weighing the risks, I'd rather have a pup of mine go without shots than give them twice as much, God knows what, in all the extra shots. "Medicine" these days can make you sicker than whatever it is you're trying to cure.
Can you see in some of the shots how Loretta looks more brown than black?
01/05/2020 Babies are 8 days old.
Below, you can see who the smart ones are in the family. hehe
I forgot to adjust the picture size.
They're almost real little people now. Eyes won't open for another week or so.
They can't hear yet either. When you see those little mushy ears lay down flat then they can hear. Little miracles. Ears don't open until the flap/outer ear is down to protect them. Pretty cool.
I can tell when I hack and they jump for the first time. :) Then they can hear. hehe
You see loose fur on um'. Their mama loses all the hair/fur on her tummy when she nurses.
I wanna' start feeding them cuz mama is a little light in the milk department. May have been why we lost the boys. That's part of the miracle too. Everything works out so the strongest survive.
01/06/2020 Nine days. They're starting to cruise around a little.
This size picture isn't working either. Shrinking them down three times and they're too small. Shrink them twice and they're too big. Keep trying...
01/08/2020 11 days old! I tried puppy slop but they're just not quite ready.
Every man for himself! There's Patsy taking a dive!
I can pretty much relax now. They've made it past the squishing stage and the fading puppy crap. I had one squished at 13 days once but Ahmee is more aware.
Full of puppy slop. More on um' than in um'.
01/09/2020 12 days old! I tried puppy slop again only I used the ol' fryin' pan. Which I should have used in the first place. The sides aren't as high.
A couple of nose dunkin's and they were all chowing!
Pretty sure I have puppy slop in my hair too!
She's doing a darn good job considering this is her first gang.
01/10/2020 TWO WEEKS OLD tomorrow! That went fast! I'll de-worm them tomorrow for the first time. Then every two week until they leave. NO SHOTS. I'm doing puppy slop twice a day. In a couple weeks I'll just give them dry Purina Puppy Chow. FREE FEEDING they call it. I just leave food out and always make sure the bowl is full. This insures that everybody gets as much as they want. Kind of important when you have a hundred of um'. hehe I think they learn to eat nicely with others this way too. If you don't plan on free feeding you'll want to feed puppy three times a day. Twice when he/she turns 6 months and you take them offa' puppy food. If you wanna' read more about chow time I wrote an essay on this page; CLICK
Just scroll down a little bit...
Here's supper last night and breakfast this morning.
Can you see that Patsy is more brown and white and Garth is more black and white? Reba and Garth are the only two staying black. So far anyway. We don't know what's going to happen with this gang. It's way too early to tell but Reba is the alpha at this point. To be expected with first born at this age, I think. She barges everywhere she goes. Already taking advantage of her size.
Not to worry, their mother is right on that clean up. Thank God! Funny, Mama doesn't want the puppy chow dry, which I've been feeding her throughout her pregnancy, but thinks it's cake or something when it's soggy. In case you were wondering why I make so much. I want Mama to have that calcium.
See that nose, about 1/2 black now.
So I changed the font size on my computer from small to medium cuz I'm getting old and I can't see. To my dismay it changed all the print on the web site too. I think I fixed most of it. On this litter's pages anyway. I'm afraid to look at all the others. Please lemme' know if you see anything that looks more strange than usual. HUGS TO ALL !!!
01/11/2020 Babies are TWO WEEKS OLD TODAY!! I just fed them but I still have to de-worm them.
Emmylou TRYING to clean herself.