This is Daddy Here to Welcome You to His 2024 Litter. 
                         Born April 28, 2024
Last Update;
June 24, 2024
Domo Arigato Two
Mom would welcome you too but she's been busy!  #1 puppy - white.  We just got a little messy.  Took her a second to get her breath and then she complained, loudly, for about a half hour.  She's large but don't tell her I said that.  She was born at 6:25 a.m.  Funny, Akitas aren't usually morning people.  hehe
Mom's head is usually white.  She got a little blood on herself while cleaning up.  She's doing great for her age.  She'll be EIGHT in December!
#2 BOY born at 8:15 a.m.  There are two boys and they're practically twins.  That's all we got.  Didn't lose anybody this time.  Thank you Lord!  #2 boy has a white spot on the back of his neck.  It may run down the right side of his neck.  #3 boy has almost a full white collar I think. #3 BOY born at 10:35.  He's bigger than his brother.
Look at that face!  She'll have black or gray points.  The pink around her nose will turn white.  The leather part will get tiny black dots that grow until it's all filled in.  #2 boy has a beautiful blaze.  I see the white doesn't go down on his neck.  All his legs are white as is his belly.  The whole underside.  His tail is half white.  
There's #3!  He's long and skinny but wait a couple days.  His tail is more than half white.  He's got a white nose but no blaze.   
His nose will also be white where the fur goes but the part that counts will be black.  White Akitas are allowed to have brown noses but nobody else.  There are few disqualifications for the show ring.  A "butterfly nose" is one of them.  (Anything that's not solid black, or brown.)  An uncurled tail and a rotten attitude don't fly either.  No rotten attitudes around here!  We've had none of those issues.    
This is our 42nd litter since the year 2000. 262 puppies registered with AKC. Only disqualifications were the long coats and I believe they're going to be a variety of our breed soon.  Ari doesn't carry the gene. Our 2nd generation had long coats.  I didn't think I'd see another white baby.  I think she'll stay white.  Her mother looks all white when she's got a full coat.    
< Can't delete the photos that are too dark.  Paige can still see her baby girl.  If you right click on the pictures you can save them to your computers.   
There's the > blaze on #2 and the full white collar on #3.  One of the boys is spoken for.  We just don't know which one yet.  Leaning towards Mr. Blaze I think.  
Check out their noses.  The black dots are starting to appear.  They can't see or hear yet.  I think their ears go down first.  Their eyes will open around 2 weeks.  They can't regulate their own body temperature yet either.  And, they still look like little rats!  His mama must have just washed his face.  >
"Please pass the mashed potatoes and gravy!!"  "Never get anything to eat around here!!!"  Wonder if they have low calorie puppy chow?  
<  Four days old in here.  I got some good ones today.  I'll put more on tomorrow.  >  
Stay tuned! 
Forgot, #1 GIRL is spoken for.
05/04/2024  Babies are five days old today.  Lookin' pretty good.  They're kinda' lazy.  One will just be a hollerin' so I go check.  Usually one of the boys, like 8 inches from their mother, but too lazy to go searching.  
Start stocking up on Purina Puppy Chow.  Might wanna' purchase stock in the company too!  There are a couple different varieties and both are fine, in a fix, but I prefer the one with brown and tan colored kibble as opposed to the one with orange, brown and tan.  Don't care for the dyes they use.  Otherwise I think Purina Puppy Chow is one of the better puppy foods. 
***Food advice***
< Black dots
Cleaned up pretty well huh?  Mom is good!
^ This one it would be hard to tell the boys apart.  But, look at their tails.  Baby #2 has a 1/2 white tail and baby #3 has more than 1/2.  
Back to chow... you can switch puppy foods if you wish just have to do it gradually or poo time can get messy.  I swear by Purina.  They've never had a recall, that I'm aware of, in over 50 years.  Purina Dog Chow is mostly corn though.  If you feed that, once they're six months old, then you need to mix it with canned food cuz they need MEAT.  There are other adult foods, made by Purina, that would be a better choice.  Just find something with MEAT as the main ingredient.  
We used to think that feeding puppy food up to a year and longer was good for them.  It's not.  Too much calcium not good for large breeds.   
05/08/2024  Babies are 10 days old today!  I weighed them.  Baby girl, pup #1, the white one weighs 2 1/2 pounds.  Mr. Blaze, pup #2 weighs just over 2 pounds and baby boy #3 is just under 3 pounds.  So, #3 has surpassed his chubby sister.  I think he'll be long and tall like his father.  Daddy is the biggest Akita I've ever had.  Where #2 will be more square and stocky.  Little early to tell.  How 'bout I shut up and show ya some new pictures?  
Soon they'll start cruisin' around and not sleeping all the time.  I can't wait.  As soon as they're more active I'll put a board across the door to the giant cage that they're in so they stay nice and safe.  At about 4 weeks I'll take the board, or boards, down so they can explore the puppy room.  I'll start leaving the hallway door open so they can see their daddy and their aunt and the Poms.  
On the nice days I'll leave the outside door open so they can play on the deck.
We'll see who is the most brave and dares stepping into the big wide world first.  Usually the ones who think they're tough are the last to take that first big 2 inch step out to the deck.  And usually it's the pup that loves me the most willing to follow me anywhere.  I always get great pictures when they're all lined up in the doorway too chicken to follow me out.  By then I'll put their mama out in the barn kennel during the day to give her a break.  I'll bring her in at night.  They'll continue to nurse until they leave.  It's healthy! 
05/11/2024  Babies will be 2 weeks old tomorrow.  I no longer have to constantly check on them.  I've never had a mama squish anybody after 13 days.  Whew!  Probably cuz they get too big to comfortably lay on. 
Look at those noses now!  Looks like baby girl's is going to be black instead of brown.  The boys are starting to get kinda' orange.  Which they call red.  The all white is actually a diluted red.  
<  Here's where the red comes from.  Not sure they'll get that red or lighten like their daddy?  
<  These guys both live in Romania.  He's Ari's grandpa and the guy below is Ari's daddy.  
That is the first Domo Arigato.    >  Which means, thank you very much, in Japanese. "Styx". These pups' grandpa.  Ari Two's daddy. 
<  That's Mama but look what she looked like when she was about 2 weeks old.  See below.  
And, here's Mama at about 4-5 weeks old.  So, the boys could lighten up but not as much as their mother.
<  See the orange/red?  Their daddy was darker than that at this age.  See Below.
Below Ari Two/Daddy is the guy in the bottom right. They seem a tad darker and more brown than red.  
Ari Two ^
Ari Two ^
This one was taken when Ari Two was 13 days old too.  Larger litters mature a tad faster probably cuz they're more hungry.  I dunno', I still think Ari was more grayish or something.  >
<  There's Daddy is at about 8 weeks.  Ain't he handsome!!?!?!
This is Mama again.  Just shows that she's not white but a fawn/white pinto or technically probably a red/white pinto.
Okay, okay, back to the babies!!!
Ari Two ^
Yah know, I build this site on a computer so if it comes through screwed up on your phone I can't help it.  :)
This week, when I go into town to do the books at the flower shop, I'll pick up Purina Puppy Chow and start feeding them their slop next weekend.  I'll de-worm them for the first time tomorrow and every two weeks until they leave.  I'll also pick up their first shots but I won't start those until after 6-7 weeks.  I'll have everything written down for you to take to your vet.  
They can hear now and their eyes are starting to open.  They'll be real little people soon.  You guys are welcome to come and visit them any time!!!
Sorry, all spoken for.  
"Harry Potter" litter
05/14/2024  Babies are 16 days old today!  Eyes are opening!
Harry, #2, his new name is Phoenix Skye
We'll call her "Hermi", for short, until her new mama, Paige, comes up with her forever name.
We all got our first de-worming.  
See my baby blues?  All puppies are born with blue eyes just like human babies.   
I repainted the bottom of the big cage only about 3-4 litters ago.  Pete built the thing in the 80's and whatever he used lasted for like 30+ years.  I tell the guy at Menards I need the best, safest, long lasting...  
$20 for a little pint! 
It's gotten warm the last couple days and boy do they complain.  They have a fan.  They'd rather lay on the bare floor than the sheet.  
They'll be livin' on newspaper pretty soon.  Then their white becomes gray.  Going to get Puppy Chow tomorrow.  I'll try to feed them on Thursday.
05/20/2024  Babies were 3 weeks old yesterday!  Sorry but between these guys and finally getting my lawn tractor back...  My grass was like a foot and a half tall.  Anyway, Harry/Phoenix's new mama/grandmama came to visit.  That was fun and I think Phoenix loved his new uncle.  Oh, and, as you'll see, puppy slop is a hit!
Time for the next page!
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